Adult Therapy
Bergen County (Wyckoff, NJ) and Massachusetts (virtual only)
Are you constantly worrying about whether you made the right decisions or replaying what you said? Do you feel as though you are always overthinking and can't stop those anxious thoughts? Do these thoughts keep you up at night or sometimes turn into panic attacks?
Maybe, you've been feeling so down, you don't have the motivation to do anything. You can't seem to find happiness, even though you want to, but its hard to get out of bed or even make yourself something to eat.
Perhaps, you don't have clinical anxiety or depression, but rather feel the stress that comes with this phase of life. It can be overwhelming starting a new job, juggling your work/life balance, healing from a breakup or toxic relationship, or learning what its like to find love and start a family of your own. Often my clients share feeling "stuck" in the middle of being treated like a child by their parents, yet wanting to set boundaries and feel more like an adult.
If you're struggling with anxiety, depression, or overall stress, you are not alone! So, how can I help?
Before we even meet, I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation so that can we chat further about what you're looking for. I will answer any questions you have about my practice and approach. This is all to determine if we are the right fit for one another!
During our first session, you will have the opportunity to further discuss what brings you therapy and what you'd like to accomplish by participating in treatment. I also gather background information, from every client, including physical and emotional symptoms, that you may be experiencing, in order to best meet your needs.
I believe how you are feeling about your progress and our therapeutic relationship are the top two important factors to successful treatment, regardless of diagnosis. That's why throughout your time in treatment, we will periodically check in about how you feel things are going. This is your therapy which is why we will work together to help you find the relief and hope that so many of my clients desire.